Category: NEWS
Today we mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, when the British colonial power promised Palestine, a land that wasn’t theirs, to the Zionist movement, thus ignoring the political and national rights of the indigenous Palestinian people. To implement the Balfour Declaration, the United Kingdom made use of the British Mandate of Palestine by oppressing the […]
PALESTINIAN NEWS VIA JERUSALEM MEDIA & COMMUNICATION CENTER (JMCC) 1• Presidency at the centennial of the Balfour Declaration: We call on the British government to apologize and recognize the state of Palestine The Palestinian presidency called on Wednesday on the British government to publicly apologize to the Palestinian people and recognize the state of Palestine. […]
Palestinian News via Jerusalem Media & Communication Center (JMCC) POSITIVE CLIMATE PREVAILS OVER FIRST ROUND OF RECONCILIATION TALKS; AL AHMAD: THE CORE ISSUE IS ENABLING THE GOVERNMENT TO DO ITS WORK; RESISTANCE WEAPONS WERE NOT DISCUSSED Amid a tight blackout on the course of talks between the two sides, late last night the first round […]
In recent days, discriminatory encounters has dominated the political arena in Israel between the governing right wing, with the main objective of expanding the settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories; which reveals to the entire world the amount of colonial greediness that dominates the mentality of the Israeli decision makers. The main focus of these […]
The Israeli colonialist expansionist situation in the occupied Palestinian territories is accompanied by a marked escalation in the statements and stances of the anti-peace Israeli ruling right-wing which supports settlements construction, challenges the will of international community, and insists on rebelling against the resolutions of international legitimacy and international law. This Israeli attempt of halting […]