In recent days, discriminatory encounters has dominated the political arena in Israel between the governing right wing, with the main objective of expanding the settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories; which reveals to the entire world the amount of colonial greediness that dominates the mentality of the Israeli decision makers.
The main focus of these encounters is on the adoption of further settlements plans, intensifying the expansion of the isolated settlement outposts and linking them to the large settlements cities. Whether it’s through the construction of thousands of new colonial units or the establishment of huge colonial roads; which consumes enormous an enormous space of area C. In this context, the Hebrew media quoted what it called a (high-level political source), Netanyahu's government’s intention to build more than 12 thousand new settlement units by the end of this year, an increase of four times more compared to last year, as confirmed by data Published by the Israeli Peace Now movement, Which stated that 68% of the new settlement construction was allocated to expand and deepen the settlements, in addition to the pre-planned Judaic plans to isolate and Judaize the Old City of Hebron.
The Ministry condemns, in the strongest terms, the racist settlement policies that are considered a formal declaration of war on the two-state solution, a clear and unequivocal rejection of the establishment of a Palestinian state, and an unprecedented challenge to the resolutions of international legitimacy, especially resolution 2334. In light of the deliberate international neglect of our issues and our legitimate and just rights, the rights of Palestinians can only be defended. The recent statements made by White House spokesmen, who don’t consider the settlements construction an obstacle to peace, but encourages the occupation and the ruling right in Israel, to further implement their colonial and expansionist plans and policies on the expense of the State of Palestine’s territories, leads to deepening the occupation and apartheid and halting the international and American efforts to resume negotiations between the two sides.