The Israeli colonialist expansionist situation in the occupied Palestinian territories is accompanied by a marked escalation in the statements and stances of the anti-peace Israeli ruling right-wing which supports settlements construction, challenges the will of international community, and insists on rebelling against the resolutions of international legitimacy and international law. This Israeli attempt of halting the peace process, reached in recent days to sharply criticizing the US President Donald Trump regarding his position on the transfer of the American Embassy to Jerusalem, when he said in an interview, that he wants to give peace an opportunity even before thinking about transferring the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
As the occupation works on deepening the colonization, by confiscating the property of Palestinian, their lands, and holy places, especially the two holy sanctuaries, the ministry confirms that this campaign; which includes ministers and members of Knesset and Israeli officials, reflects the reality of the Israeli stance based on rejecting the current peace opportunity, by creating obstacles in the face of US efforts aimed at resuming negotiations.
The ministry condemns, in its strongest terms, the occupation’s policies and its anti-peace positions, in addition to the colonization procedures and the collective punishment practiced daily by the occupation authorities against the Palestinian people, as it affirms that these Israeli policies are secured by the silence of the international community and the state of indifference practiced against the Palestinians which counts on the brutality of the occupation, and the absence of international accountability for Israel as a force which gravely violates international law, international humanitarian law, and the Geneva Convention. The ministry demands an international and an American stance in response to the Israeli impunity of all laws and agreements, and stresses the silencing of Israeli officials which continue to attack the positions of states and their leaders that are incompatible with Israel's right-wing policy. The ministry further demands the Israeli government to hold full and direct responsibility for their Policies that negatively effect the chances of reaching a political solution to the conflict.